The Morrison Government’s IR Omnibus Bill is another poorly disguised attack on Australian workers and must be stopped.


“While the Bill claims to be about supporting jobs and economic recovery, it is abundantly clear that it will in fact have the opposite effect by diminishing the wages and conditions of hard-working Australians,” Health Services Union (HSU) Assistant National Secretary, Tim Jacobson said.

The HSU today made a submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2020, detailing their opposition to the Bill. The submission will be available on HSU’s website once it is approved for publication by the Senate Committee.

“HSU members are at the frontline of the health and social care response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” Mr Jacobson said.

“In proposing this Bill, the Morrison Government seems to have forgotten that Australia is only in the position it is because of the hard work and sacrifices of these workers.

“If passed the Bill will swing the balance of power further to the interests of business, at the expense of frontline workers’ financial, social and economic security.

“The HSU, on behalf of its members, has made this submission to fight these proposed IR changes and stop it in its tracks.

“We will actively participate in ongoing campaigning to protect workers.

“The Bill is dangerous, and it must be stopped.”



To learn more about this dangerous IR Omnibus Bill, click below.



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