HSU National has today provided a 4,000 plus page dossier of evidence outlining the financial dealings of former HSU official Kathy Jackson to the Victoria Police.
Chris Brown, recently elected National Secretary, said the decision to prepare and forward the material to Victoria Police was made unanimously by the union’s 86 member strong National Council in November 2014.
“The new leadership of the HSU has undertaken a thorough and exhaustive search of records to ensure all relevant information in our possession is passed on to Victoria Police. It will be for them to determine if charges should be laid against Ms Jackson.
“The matters referred to Victoria Police today cover a span of 13 years and include Ms Jackson’s time as an official in the HSU Victoria No. 3 Branch. The funds involved are more than $900,000.
“Three separate areas of concern have been referred to Victoria Police. “The establishment of the NHDA slush fund account, the misuse of credit cards and the frequent use of cash cheques.
The expenditure is alleged to have been on a wide variety of personal expenses including, alcohol, travel, entertainment, health and beauty treatments and grocery bills.
“The HSU is vigorously pursuing those who have taken advantage of the trust placed in them by members. This includes civil action to recover funds spent inappropriately by former officials.
“We have put in place the strongest possible governance standards and reformed our financial rules to ensure this sort of wrongdoing does not happen again,” Mr Brown said.
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