A decision by the Fair Work Commission this week has agreed with the HSU that casual employees working in aged care facilities should receive 25% casual loading in addition to their penalty rates for weekends and public holidays.



The Fair Work Commission have decided to vary the Aged Care Award to reflect this, and the changes will affect residential aged care workers Australia-wide.


The provisional timetable to phase in the new weekend and public holiday rates for casuals is below:


 SaturdaySundayPublic holidays
1 Dec 2019160%185%260%
1 Jul 2020175%200%275%


The Full Bench also upheld the HSU’s claim that, when rostering broken shifts for causal and part-time staff, employers have to observe the two hour minimum engagement for each portion of the shift. The Full Bench emphasised that minimum engagement provisions were important to prevent exploitation of employees.


The HSU secured these wins despite strong opposition from employer groups and peak bodies in the aged care sector.


The decision may be read on full in the link below:


Read the full decision here


Asmar Barred From Branch Secretary Duties

The Health Services Union (HSU) has secured a significant legal victory in the Federal Court, obtaining an injunction that prevents Health Workers Union (HWU) Victoria Branch Secretary Diana Asmar and her fellow HWU officials, from using union resources to fund their legal defence.

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